
Posts Tagged ‘Civil War’

Civil War Project

June 13, 2010 Leave a comment

Students will be aware that for the next couple of weeks we will be working on a mini project on the English Civil War. Browse through the photos on the right hand side to refresh yourselves of some of the things we encountered on our trip to Leeds. One of these might jog your memory and lead you to a decision as to what topic you’d like to cover for your project.

As a reminder:

  • Your mini project must be on some aspect of the English Civil War.
  • The project must include at least the equivalent of four written pages from an exercise book and an additional number of diagrams, maps, illustrations and so on.
  • The project could be about weaponry, the role of an individual, a type of civil war soldier, cavalryman, musketeer, pike man, or a specific battle.
  • You will need to collect information and complete thorough research.
  • Most sources of information are acceptable, but it must not be derived solely from the internet.
  • A full bibliography will be required.
  • Any suspicion of copying and pasting chunks of information from a source will be firmly dealt with.

Week 5: The Civil War

May 17, 2010 Leave a comment

Students will have received sheets for the trip to the Leeds Armouries and might wish to explore some of the online collections in order to prepare themselves in advance. The museum has a YouTube channel as well, full of interesting video clips.

Revision sheets for the exams have been distributed. Our final topic this term will be The English Civil War.  HistoryontheNet has a solid overview of the topic, as does the text book. Please use the text book and the document handed out in class which facilitates a mini- essay, in order to prepare for the exam.

I’ve added a mini-essay guide on the Gunpowder Plot to this entry.

Finally – use your time well in order to prepare. Take a look at this document on Time Management Key Points and another on Time Management.

(Image: Channel4 History website)